Stephanie King

Director of Education for Tamara’s Sugar UK + Tamara’s Sugar Online


I’d like to tell you a little story about how I got started in Sugaring and why I’m still here today, more passionate than ever, about this ancient art of hair removal.

Hint: It’s about so much more than just a passion for sticky Sugar.

In 2007 I left my less than exciting desk job to attend an Esthetics program (Beauty Therapist training) in the US to dive into an interest I had for natural skincare. It was there that I first learned about Body Sugaring, an ancient Egyptian method of hair removal that uses a paste made of only lemon, Sugar and water. I was so intrigued that I spent days googling and finally found a Sugaring class I could enrol in.

When I finally found a training option, I happily drove 10 hours to attend the course. Since that day I’ve been all in on Sugaring and have never looked back.That was 12 years ago but truthfully it feels like yesterday.

So what have I been doing since then? Well, Sugaring! A whole heck of a lot of Sugaring, teaching Sugaring, training Educators to teach Sugaring, learning how to import Sugar - you name it.

Sugaring is my business and I know it well. 

In 2008 I founded my very first Sugaring and Natural Skincare studio in central Illinois. I spent a good amount of cash setting up a gorgeous little treatment room and stocking a really fancy Organic Skincare line to retail. I flung the doors open and proceeded to spent the next two years struggling to get enough clients to turn a profit.

That was my first venture in entrepreneurship and for all intents and purposes, it was a total flop. Back then I didn't quite know how to market myself or my services. That skill would come much later through a lot googling and trial and error.

About a year into that sinking client business something really exciting happened. I was offered the opportunity to become a Sugaring Educator and decided to go for it. I had no idea what I was doing, but like many things in my life - I chose to jump right in and learn as I go. I had a lightbulb moment the first time I handed someone their Sugaring Certificate. I could not only grow my business through teaching, but I was also really good at and best of all, I enjoyed it! Watching my first few students go on to open businesses and be successful with one of the most fulfilling experiences I’d ever had.

I wanted more.

Flash forward to 2011. I decided to close up shop on my Illinois studio and move to Portland, Oregon where indie business and natural skincare abound. I leased a teeny tiny treatment room, bought a simple table, painted a vintage bookshelf to hold my warmers (yes, my budget was as tiny as my space). I printed some promotion cards off and hit the streets of my new city. I was the 4th Sugarista on the scene in Portland but still, most people still had never heard of the technique before. I knew I had my work cut out for me…again.

I'll spare you all the details of my next 5 years in business, but let's just say the second time around I made it happen!

My studio The Sugarista became known as one of the best Sugaring Studios in the city.

The studio grew to accommodate 4 Sugaristas, became highly profitable and we managed to keep 100% 5 Star reviews for 5 years. I finally figured out how to launch and keep a business running and in the meantime trained well over 100 women how to Sugar! I finally hit my stride.

So how did I end up moving from the US to England? Short answer: Love. A sense of adventure. An idea. Long-ish answer: I saw a gap, just like I did in 2007. I had a feeling if I took everything I’d learned in business, technique and teaching to a brand new place that people might be interested. Much like you, I see the huge potential for eco and green treatments here in the UK and Europe, as well as an entirely untapped market when it comes to Organic Hair Removal.

In fact, I don't think there is a better time or place for Sugaring to take the main stage than right now and right here in Europe, a huge hub for beauty with a burgeoning natural skincare scene. 

So, that's a bit about my background. In addition to running London Sugaring Company I also act as Director of Education & International Distribution for Tamara's Sugar.  I love yoga, astrology, dance parties, retreats and prosecco…and working, I genuinely love to work! I am a competitive open water swimmer and nothing excites me more than a good camping trip (with prosecco—because that’s how I roll). I'm totally smitten with my Italian hubby Richard and my little boy Leo. Aside from them, the two things that are always on my mind - travel and business! 

I'm proud to have recently celebrated 12 years as an entrepreneur. It’s a title I hold proudly and intend to keep.


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Modern Method Online

Online Sugaring Certification